My calling to help other people guided me from a degree in Nursing to meaningful careers in pediatric healthcare and care unit development in a foreign healthcare system.
The burnout I encountered under the age of 30 came in a form of sudden stabbing heart pain, strong anxiety attack and inability to breathe. In the following days my mind was nothing else than a thick brain fog and I couldn't form any clear thoughts.
I was very confused and disappointed to find myself in this state. I felt totally failed as a human and my mind was covered with feelings of shame and guilt. All the joy had suddenly disappeared and life quickly became completely meaningless.
It took several weeks to pass, until one afternoon I became aware of a guiding voice inside myself. It was my intuition that showed up to help me and shined some light into the darkness.
I decided to trust my intuitive voice and quit my professional career. I started to travel the world seeking deeper meaning for life with an intention to find effective methods for self-healing and personal development.
During my journey I met several different coaches, spiritual healers, shamans, and meditated for 21 days in absolute silence with Burmese monks, practicing with great discipline 18 hours a day.
I tried numerous different methods to learn about great techniques, but I always felt that something was still missing.
Nothing had really kicked my butt until I got randomly invited to a breathing event and experienced my first conscious breathing session.
That was the event when everything started to change.
The connection I made to my breath created a deep connection with my subconscious and long-repressed emotions finally got the space to emerge.
I was safe. I cried, I raged, I laughed, and with each breath, I felt a heavy weight slowly disappearing from the top of my heart. This freed me to a state of timelessness, where deep peace and a huge feeling of loving compassion fulfilled my entire body.
After the event, massive amounts of energy flowed freely all over my body and I felt a complete shift in my energy and feelings. I just wanted to breathe again as soon as possible.
The power of the breath took me and I traveled across Europe and the United States to complete my Breathwork Facilitator Training. I learned directly from the conscious breathwork pioneers and experts drawing on a wealth of experience and knowledge.
Along the way yoga also found me offering different but effective breathing and mindfulness tools, so I practiced them in depth in an authentic ashram in INdia.
During my personal journey, I have come to realize how multidimensional healing and well-being really is. Everything is interconnected and at the heart of everything is always breathing.
In my coaching sessions I teach you how to use your breath to connect with your life force, inner knowing and purpose by releasing limiting beliefs and thought patterns from your subconscious.
I share with you effective tools on how to eliminate stress, increase focus, balance, and healthy sleeping habits. For that, I create a safe breathing space for you to explore your own breath and its incredible dimensions!
If you’re reading this and it resonates, take a breath and look at my coaching page for more details by clicking the button below.