Increases energy & vitality
Strengthens immune system
Removes toxins, 70% of toxins exit through the breath
Stimulates circulation & digestion
Reduces hypertension
Unblocks tensions in the muscular body
Improves sleep & relaxation
Improves sex life​
Improves well-being for asthma & respiratory issues
Mental - Emotional Wellbeing
Reduces stress & anxiety
Increases focus & mindfulness
Relieves depression & burnout
Helps manage panic attacks
Releases negative thought patterns and belief systems
Helps to resolve self-worth & body image issues
Improves self-esteem
Nurtures self-compassion & self-love
Helps integrating dramas, traumas and addictions
Personal growth
Improves intuition
Promotes flow state
Activates creativity
Expands awareness
Deeper connection with self, others and nature
Improves presence & inner peace
Deepens meditation & yoga practice